Was the app made to facilitate fare evasion?

No. The app was made to point out an issue in the payment system, and that is its sole and only purpose.

Does it still work?

Sadly yes. Even though a new system for ticket validation was 'teased' in October of 2023, it has not seen widespread use. As such the app is still fully functional.

Will there be updates?

Maybe? Currently the app is a finished product, it has one job and it does that one job well. Besides occasional tuning of the ticket number generating mechanism no real updates are in the works.

Will there be an IOS version

No. I can make an IOS application, but for anyone to be able to install it I would need to pay Apple 99$ a year for an Apple Developer Membership. The app would also be prohibitively difficult to install on your IPhone, as it would not be available through the app store.


If you wish to download the source code, you can do so by clicking the link below

About the project

img BeogradPlusPlus is an android app made to point out a serious flaw which existed in the city of Belgrades public transport payment system. The system worked by the riders sending messages to the number '9011' which contained the ticket type they wished to purchase, and then they would receive a confirmation message, containing a ticket number if the payment was successful. This pattern of messages was easy to fake as there was really no feasable way to check whether someone had actually purchased a ticket, because there was (at the time) no central database through the use of which ticket number could be cross checked. Someone riding the various busses and trams throughout the city could simply use an app like this, or text a friend whom they saved in their contacts as '9011'. The problem is yet to be fixed. This app serves as a testament to poor software security which happens every day.